Título original:The Anthropologist. 81


Título em português: O Antropólogo

Diretor/a (es/as): Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller e Jeremy Newberger

Produtor/a (es/as): Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller e Jeremy Newberger

Fotografia: Simon Compain, Roger Tibbetts Grange, III, Seth Kramer, Dave Messick, Richard Patterson, Rodney Patterson e Graham Wright

País/Países de produção: USA, Russia, Kiribati, Peru | 2015 | Cor |


Margaret Mead is the best-known anthropologist of all time. How can her legacy guide a species that today faces unprecedented changes to its environment? In a follow-up to their Sundance hit and Emmy Award nominee THE LINGUISTS, directors Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, and Jeremy Newberger present THE ANTHROPOLOGIST. It will make its US premiere at the DOC NYC Film Festival in November 2015 as a gala co-presentation with the American Museum of Natural History.


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