Título original:Descending with Angels. 75'









 Título em português:Descending with Angels.

Diretor/a (es/as): Christian Suhr

Produtor/a (es/as): -

Fotografia: -

País/Países de produção: - | 2013 | Cor |


Descending with Angels explores two highly different solutions to the same problem: namely Danish Muslims who are possessed by invisible spirits, called jinn. A Palestinian refugee living in the city of Aarhus has been committed to psychiatric treatment after a severe case of jinn possession, which caused him to destroy the interior of a mosque, crash several cars, and insult a number of people. He sees no point in psychotropic medication since his illness has already been treated with Quranic incantations. A psychiatrist and nurse try to understand his point of view but find that even further medication is needed.


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