Título original:Dead Birds Re-Encountered. 46'

Título em português: -

Diretor/a (es/as): Robert Gardner

Produtor/a (es/as): -

Fotografia: -

País/Países de produção: - | 2013 | Cor |


In 1961, Robert Gardner organized an expedition to the Highlands of New Guinea to film the Dani people. He stayed for six months to create an essay on the themes of violence and death most dramatically witnessed within the intense ritual warfare between rival Dani villages, and ultimately on the role of violence in human life and culture. The end result was his seminal film, Dead Birds. Twenty-eight years later, Gardner returned to the Dani villages to see what had become of the people he had met and to show them the film. That visit is the kernel for Gardner's latest work, Dead Birds Re-encountered.


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