Título original:Aftermath – The Second Flood. 82'

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Diretor/a (es/as):Raphael Barth

Produtor/a (es/as): Arash T. Riahi, Raphael Barth, Michael Seeber, Sabine Gruber, Thomas Tielsch, John Wallace.

Fotografia: Uli Fischer, Philipp Pfeiffer.

País/Países de produção: Austria, Germany e Ireland. | 2014 | Cor |


AFTERMATH is the story of young people from an ancient tribe who are driven into a new world by the Tsunami of 2004 from one day to the other. Overwhelmed by history´s biggest wave of aid and development soon after, they are now searching with pride and humour for their own, self-determined life in a globalized world.


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